It will definitely be a fun filled idea I got from online which will be highly appreciated by my kids during summer vacation. This kid car wash tutorial is easily available on various websites that you can check out through online. The summer days are truly sweaty and during this time the kids are getting bored and restless because they don’t have school during these days and due to hot weather they even cannot spend more time outside.
Kid’s car wash tutorial is the best option for the kids with which they can spend their most of the time with siblings and friends and they can enjoy more. And give opportunity start own car detailing business in future or start own car wash as a kid. But for this, you need to do little hard work for fixing certain things. Let’s discuss the things you required for building the car wash station for your kid and the preparing procedure.

Required items:
- 3/4 PVC pipes – 2 (10 Foot) (you can cut the pipes in 2 5 – foot pieces from 2 10–foot pieces)
- Tees -4
- PVC pipes -3 (10 foot) (you can cut the 3 ten foot pipes into 8 1 – foot pieces and 4 5 – foot pieces)
- Male adapters-4
- 3/4 and outlet elbows (threaded side)-4
- End caps (1/2”)-7
- Primer and cement
- Hose adapter (1/2”) – 1

You can collect the above-listed items easily in the market. Even you can take the help of workers for finding the little pieces for you. This process is quite simple that you can fix it by yourself else you can complete it with the help of a professional worker who will do this work for you within a short span of time. You need to cut the pipes. If you can do then cut carefully the pipes. First, cut the pipes into T-shape by using 2 1 foot(1/2”), 1 5-foot (1/2”) pipes, 2 end caps and 1 tee. Put at the top of your male adapter.

Then again create another upside down T and this time you need only to use the hose adapter and the end cap. You will easily get the right size of hose adapter in the home depot. If you want you can purchase some extra piece with you. In case of not fitting the actual size, you can use the extra one. Primer your cutting pieces and join them with using cement. Now you can drill your 4 pipes which are in size. Drill in such a way so the water comes out at different angles. Always do the hole in different sizes to make the fun of water sprinkles.

Now piece your 4 pipes which are in size which you drilled just now and join them with the help of threaded side outlet elbows. But do remember the holes you just drilled must be slightly angled so it will get the maximum ability to soak. Then check if the cement got dry then you need to screw all the four T-shaped pipes from leg to top and plug them with the help of a hose adapter in the bottom part. You can turn the hose in high during the strong water stream.

It is the complete working procedure for building a kid car wash station in your garden for your kid. I must assure this will definitely going to be your kid’s favorite spot. They will love it very much but for that, you must require putting this much else you can also take the professionals help. But this task is not that much hectic as it sounds. The procedures of making are quite easy and you can even get online pictures and videos which will also guide you in building the kid’s car wash tutorial.

If you don’t want to visit the marketplace for purchasing the required items and don’t want to spend much time in building the washing space for yourkid ’s thenn it will be better to choose one professional from this platform through online. There are several professional organizations are also easily available through online who will provide you such kind of service. For that, you need to find one trusted organization from online and request them for making this car wash station at your place. They will charge you some amount according to their service.

Conclusion: If you are also feeling bored during summer time and can’t get the way to entertain your kids then kid’s car wash tutorial is the right selection for you. With the help of this, your kids will make themselves busy throughout the entire vacation and even they will enjoy a lot.